English information about Akan | Akan.no

English information about Akan

Akan kompetansesenter helps Norwegian businesses to prevent and handle issues related to alcohol, drugs, gaming and gambling.

We help you to

  • Engage in the conversations you are nervous about having
  • React to undesirable actions at the work place
  • Move from worries to actions

We offer

  • Knowledge on how to engage in conversations related to undesirable behavior pertaining to alcohol, gambling, prescription drugs, gaming, and drugs in a work-related setting
  • Open, and tailored, and digital courses for managers, HR, safety representatives, union representatives, and Akan-contacts
  • Free help line where you can ask about anything from advice to guidance if you have a problem that needs to be solved. You can be anonymous.
  • Free digital tools, brochures, and information
  • Company visits and video meetings

Individual Akan-contract

An individual Akan-contract is an offer to employees that have developed a problem related to alcohol, drugs, gaming, or gambling. This contract ensures proper treatment and follow up as well as it allows individuals with a problem to keep their job.


What does an individual Akan contract contain?

No Akan-contracts are the same and the content of such agreements need to be adapted to different needs, the situation, the nature/cause of the problem, and the work situation. An Akan-contract should contain the following:

  • A description or background as to why this Akan-contract being offered
  • A health check-up at the primary doctor, which in turn, can forward the person to correct treatment
  • A description of what kind of follow-up and treatment that needs to be completed
  • A time frame for the contract. We recommend two years
  • Follow-up by the manager in daily work tasks, in addiction to control measures and adjustments to work tasks must be documented in this agreement


We recommend that you spend enough time on outlining this contract and evaluate the content as you move forward. The manager is responsible for the outlining and follow-up. Feel free to use our individual Akan contract examples (in Norwegian), but please keep in mind that such contracts need to be tailored to specific needs and the situation at hand.


Work together as a team

The occupational health services are an important resource and should be a part of an individual Akan-contract in businesses that have occupational health services. The primary doctor must also be notified when an agreement regarding an individual Akan-contract has been made. Many businesses have internal Akan resources, represented by HR, Akan-contacts, safety representatives, or union representatives. Those who contribute to and sign the Akan-contract, commits to cooperate.


The managers need for an overview and follow-up of the employee must be met. The managers responsibility is to ensure that the demands of health, safety and environment is being met. It is important that the employee takes a part in outlining the details of the contract. By involving the employee, you ensure an ownership and a stronger sense of responsibility to the individual Akan-contract.

The necessary conversation

Are you worried that a coworker might have an alcohol, drug, gaming or gambling problem? Do you have a gut feeling that says that something is not right? As a manager, the necessary conversation is a tool that enables you to engage in a conversation with someone you worry about, before it becomes a problem. If you are a colleague, you can still use the following advice to show that you care about your colleague


Before the conversation

  • Lower your ambitions. Your primary task is to communicate concern and to show you that you care
  • What makes you worried? Be specific. Communicate events such as changes in sick leaves, behavior, job performance, etc
  • Do not expect admissions. Your role is not to identify a problem or come up with a diagnosis, but rather to react to changes that result in negative consequences for the work situation


During the conversation

  • Be specific and communicate the reason for your concern/worry
  • Stick to facts and your own observations. Describe without interpreting
  • Use “I”, instead of “we”
  • Listen actively and ask open ended questions
  • Focus on care and worry, rather than claims and accusations
  • Whatever reactions you get, know that the conversation has initiated feelings and thoughts


Ending the conversation

  • Summarize the conversation
  • End the conversation if it doesn’t go anywhere, just know that you have started a process
  • Schedule another conversation
  • Think about using other resources for guidance and advice.


You can call Akan kompetansesenter at 22 40 28 00 before you engage in this conversation if you want.


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